In footwear design learning category, you read simple to complicated articles like shoe design introductions and drawing heels from three-quarter view, side view and top view.
Then you learned all types of shoe design: drawing high boots, hiking boot, sandal, children shoes, platforms, athletic shoes and espadrilles.
Also you learned draw heels easily from various views.
Now read Flat drawings for production

Flat drawings for production
Important tips in Flat drawings for production:
Footwear flats can be drawn with top and side views or a three-quarter view, depending on the need to show specific details.
The illustrator must keep in mind that these technical drawings are used for development and sample production
Therefore, need to be accurate in dimension and proportion.
Every aspect of a shoe’s design must be shown clearly so the developer or pattern-maker can understand the shoe’s individual features.
Flat drawings for production samples
Once the pencil shoe design is complete, a permanent black pen line is added to make the lines clean and easy to read in three distinct line weights:
bold is used for the outside silhouette (which keeps the shape strong), medium for construction detailing (which is the main purpose of the drawings), and a fine line for adding texture, reflection, or shadowing.
Use straight edges and French curves to ensure smooth line work.
Once the ink line is dry, the pencil line is erased, leaving a sharp, graphic image.
Typically color or soft rendering is not used on flat drawings.
Think of them as an architectural drawing for an object.
Ankle Boot and High Boot
The thick structured sole has a raised toe curve.
The studding is shown by raised shapes on the outside edge.
The leg extension leans forward.
All stitching is straight and spaced evenly with a consistent size dash.
Thin lines on the upper show softness in the structure.
The heel lines indicate a layered wood or leather heel.
Notice the slight cut depth on the upper back edge of the tear shapes and the raised center front seam.
This flat shows the height of the rhinestones as well as their facets and reflections, including black quasars.
In contrast, the studs have a swirling shape to indicate their reflection and smooth nature
This glossary will help you become familiar with some of the basic terms used in constructing and designing footwear.
To have a professional education based on university courses, you can prepare and learn the following educational videos:
Basics of visual arts in shoe design
Color Basics in shoe design
Tutorial video for finding ideas and creativity in shoe design
In following articles, in order to complete your info, you will know specialized dictionaries.
You can also become a member of the Telegram channel to be informed about the latest content published on this website: @Nhashemi.shoe.designer
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- Najmeh Hashemi (23)
- Shoes & Designers (12)
- Shoe Designers (9)
- Shoe Museum (2)
- Tutorial (23)
- Footwear Design (14)
- Shoe Illustration (9)