In previous article, you learned common mistakes shoe design, three-quarter view, side view and top view in shoe design.
From now on there is a training to design different types of shoes that high boot drawing, work boots , drawing sandals, platforms and athletic footwear are taught.
Now I represent drawing espadrilles :

Tips in drawing espadrilles :

Espadrilles are a type of slip-on shoe found in most cultures.
Sometimes it is necessary to draw them with laces that extend up the leg.
When drawing these, you will need to draw them as if they are actually tied around a leg.
Keep an elegant foot shape in mind and visualize the way the laces wrap.
The drawings below are examples of a designer drawing or concept sketch.
They are drawn quickly using art markers for the rendering. Remember that even with a faster sketch the purpose is always to show the item with form—not fl at—so consider your light source and shadows.
This fast style is ideal for production ideas and for communicating a concept quickly to your client.

drawing espadrilles design samples

This tightly rendered shoe was used for a black and white newspaper advert; it was rendered in graphite with art marker behind the drawing.
It was necessary to break the weave pattern and the sole stitching down into a simple graphic pattern, and then repeat the pattern systematically across the surface.
Always flatten or reduce the pattern as it moves around and over the shoe surface for a foreshortened effect.

Initial sketch

Initial sketch of espadrille
STEP 1- preliminary sketch

STEP 1– Begin with a preliminary sketch or underdrawing.
Work out your foot shape and the lacing up the leg. Then slip the preliminary sketch under a piece of marker paper and draw the outline using a black fine-line pen.
The pen ink needs to be either water-based ink or a pigment ink, otherwise the finishing art markers will smear the lines.

Coloring shadow

Coloring espadrilles
STEP 2- Coloring shadow

STEP 2– Begin markering with the lighter tones of each color.
It is faster to leave the highlights out by drawing around them.
Notice that it can add interest and even a softer feel to have some edges drawn with only the marker color without the black line around them.
Misregistration of color and edge is also interesting and acceptable.

Adding details
add details in espadrilles
STEP 3- add details

STEP 3– To finish the drawing, use a darker marker of the same color family to add shadow and form.
If you do not have a darker marker, use the same marker again, giving a double dose of the same color.
Wait until the first layer dries before adding another.
Notice the highlight lines drawn with white colored pencil on the upper—
you may need to add some highlights on the lacing ribbons, too.

I hope this tutorial was useful for you.
Today you learned how to quickly sketch and paint a design with markers.
This method is useful for drawing quick ideas.
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Please don’t forget practice, because just practicing fortify your skills
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